Since it's February, the month of LOVE, I'm sharing what really makes my heart happy (besides my son just handing me half of his KitKat bar!). I am totally smitten with crochet. One month ago I was cursing the craft, but now thanks to some time with my aunt, a kids crochet book, and many, many viewings of Mandy's video at Little Birdie Secrets, I think I have it down (well, at least enough to fashion a decent looking flower and even a heart).

And then in a bit of blog catch-up this morning I finally got over to crafty chickie Lolly Chops to catch her fantabulous video on these little paper flowers. Do check it out, and scroll down a bit in her bog to see her absolutely AMAZING mini album cover.
Some close ups:

paper flower from Lolly's video made with a paper bag printed with vintage newspaper
YEAH! You did it Michelle! They look great!!