Monday, August 24, 2015

granny blanket : cocoa puff

This is the last square of the summer.  It's bittersweet; while I am sad to see the poolside-lounging days and stay-up-late-cuz-you-can-sleep-in nights come to an end, I am looking forward to getting back to routines and schedules and mostly a new school year with a new group of first graders!  I truly have the best job ever!

This week's square, I won't lie to you, takes a bit of concentration.  I awoke at 6:30 this morning with the expectation that I could hook it up in an hour.  I tuned into some teaching podcasts and got started.  Now maybe it was the distracted bit of multi-tasking, but I had to tear out several rounds sometimes more than once.  Maybe it's just me, but this may be one of those squares you'll want to give your undivided attention to.


It is a lovely square and turned out to be the perfect size for my blanket.

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Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I love that you are leaving a little note to let me know you were here!