Day 28:

New theme, same design as this card
Day 29:

Color scheme inspired by adorable decos at Target.
Day 30:
Day 30:

Whew! Well, there they are. 30 Cards in 30 Days. When I began this project, it was just a fun little way to pass the time of November (to get to December, of course!), and because I like to fall flat on my face with these kind of commitment-laden, daily obligation type of challenges. It was also with the hope that I would find the perfect card to duplicate as my own Holiday Card for '09. Well, I didn't fall on my face (though I had to play catch up. a lot.), and our perfect holiday card is not in this mix. I will be sending each one of these cards out this year, along with a few others I have come up with (I'll share those later this week).
Now for December: I'll be sharing the progress of my December Daily (though it probably won't be daily). Happy December!