Hey there!
Whew! What a week last week was. So much so, that I did not get to post last week's square.
So. . .this morning I'm sharing two squares with you.
by Melinda Miller
This square is pretty straight forward and hooked up quickly with easy repeating rounds.
I really like the way the corners stretch out into an X with the 8-petal flower at its center.
by Margaret MacInnis
This one was hooking up rather largely for me (Margaret warns of this in her pattern). By the time I completed the circle part, I knew it would be too big for my blanket. I stopped after completing Round 7 (the treble cluster petals) and did the following to turn the circle into a square:
SC in same space, *SC in top of cluster, 2SC in next space,
Front Post Half Double Crochet (FPHDC) around the single stitch between clusters,
2SC in next space, SC in top of cluster, 2SC in next space,
Front Post Double Crochet (FPDC) around stitch between clusters,
2HDC in next space, DC in top of cluster, 2DC in next space, CH4,
Front Post Treble Crochet (FPTC) around stitch between clusters,
CH4, 2DC in next space, DC in top of cluster, 2HDC in next space
FPDC around stitch between clusters,
2SC in next space, repeat around from * 3 more times ending with FPD around stitch between clusters and slip stitch into standing sc.
{You should now have a square with corners made up of 3DC, CH4, FPTC, CH4, 3DC and sides made up of 2HDC, FPDC, 5SC, FPHDC, 5SC, FPDC, 2HDC}
I really liked the popcorn corners of the original pattern, so here's how I fit them into my altered pattern:
Join new color into any stitch along side with a Standing Single Crochet (see link above).
SC in each stitch until ch4 space (22sc per side).
CH3, popcorn in first ch4 space, CH3, popcorn in fptc, CH3, popcorn in second ch4 space, CH3 and continue 22 SC per side, repeat popcorn corners and sc sides.
For next popcorn round, CH4 between each popcorn and place popcorns in ch3 space on either side of center popcorn from previous round, 22 sc per side.
For last popcorn round use CH5 on either side of popcorn and place popcorn in ch4 space between 2 popcorns from previous round.
HDC broder round: HDC in each of 22 sc sides, 5SC in ch5 space, CH3 across popcorn, 5SC in ch5 space.
Final round: SC in each stitch around, 3SC in ch3 space.